

Plug-In that allows you to Edit your Documents in the Cloud using Microsoft Word and Excel. Also required to use Library Templates.



Notifications set on a per-Contract basis for a specific date that is set at the creation of the Activity. CAN be reoccurring and marked as completed.

Admin Directory


List of your System Admins for your end users to be able to contact for assistance. Each Admin is able to remove themselves from this list.



Notifications set on a per-Contract basis for a specific date that is set at the creation of the Alert. Can be reoccurring, but NOT marked as completed. This is an optional feature that not all systems will have enabled.



Automatic Milestone Rules. See Milestones

Announcement Text


A scrolling announcement that will appear on your Home page.



A User assigned to a Stage of a Workflow that must be either Approved or Rejected.



Is activated through Workflow (even the most basic). “Hides” your contract from normal system use, but can still be found by checking the “Include Archive” checkbox for all Global Searches and Views.



Any User assigned to a task/stage/notification in the system.



Any files, documents, or images uploaded to a Container. This can be the physical Contract itself and/or any supporting documents.

Attachment Text


UCM scans any text in your Attachments that it can clearly read, and makes it searchable in our Global Search within 24 hours of uploading

Bulk Load/Archive


Adding or Archiving Contracts in mass.

Bulk Loader


A separate program that allows for Bulk Loading into UCM.



The premium Email tool in UCM. Located inside of your Contract Container. Records all email communication and documents in an email chain for historical records right inside the Container.

* All Subscriptions come with a basic Email tool, Collaboration has an additional cost.

Company Admin


Enterprise Ribbon tab to access the many different setting and configuration options.

Company Name


On your login page, the specific name of your company that you gave to UCM. If you are ever unsure of your Company Name and cannot login, please contact a System Admin or UCM Support.



Within UCM, the term Contract is most frequently used to refer to a Contract Container. If we are talking about the physical Contract itself, that would be an Attachment.

Contract Actions


Can preform mass changes to groups of contracts including, Delete, Modify, and add Attachments.

Contract Administration


One of the options in Company Admin. Where most of the system configuration takes place for items like Workflow, Fields, Contract Types, Templates, Milestones, etc.

Contract Container


The core component of the system that houses everything pertaining to that Contract. Contains your custom Summary Data for tracking, all the Attachments and Notes for that contract, any Email correspondence sent from the system, all Notifications, and a full History.

Contract Container Tabs


The specific tabs inside a Container that only contain those items related to that Contract. Ex: Attachments Tab in a Container will only have the files relating to that Contract, while the Attachments Tab from the Enterprise Level will show you all the files in your System.

Contract Folders


See Folders

Contract ID


A unique, system generated ID number. Used most often in support to help verify that any issues we are investigating are for the correct Contracts.

Contract Name


A custom name entered each time you create a new Container.

Contract Type


Created by Admins, it allows you to select any number of Field Groups to be on display, and ready to be filled in, immediately upon creation of the Container. Can also have a specific Workflow attached by default. Contract Type is also used in setting up Milestones and creating Views. *Required for system use.



A type of Excel Spreadsheet file that has all formatting stripped. All reports exported from the system come in this format. For all spreadsheet import areas in the system, we recommend you use   .CSV (MS-DOS) file types.



Any place that you see Delete, you have the ability to disable that for your users. When something is Deleted in UCM, it is not retrievable.

Direct Entry


Most straightforward and common way to create a new Contract Container. Allows your users to give the Container a Name, select the Contract Type, assign an Owner, place it in a Folder, add a single Document, and Relate to another Contract, among other options as well. Located on the Home page, and as a green plus (+) in the Enterprise Ribbon.



See Attachment

Document Category


Customizable Attachement property. Usually this will be for the types of documents being uploaded, MSA, SOW, BAA, NDA, etc.

Document Explorer


A different way to view and organize Attachments inside of a Container. The folder structure set here is NOT at all related to the Folders set up for security.

Document State


Similar to Document Category, just for the different states a document could be in. Still customizable by you, but by default, Draft, Final, and Signed come pre-loaded.

Edit in Cloud


Feature that uses the AceOffix plug in, and allows you to use your version of Microsoft Word inside a browser pop-out. Requires an install of AceOffix and Microsoft Word to be installed on the device currently being used.



The basic email tool in UCM. Comes included with every subscription. Can only send a single email from a Contract Container, and does not record replies. For a more advanced Email tool, see Collaboration.

Enterprise Ribbon


The gray bar across the top portion UCM that persists throughout the whole System.

Enterprise Tabs


The tabs on the Enterprise Ribbon that contain ALL items in the System at a Global Level. Ex: The Attachments Tab from the Enterprise Level will show you all the files in your System, while the Attachments Tab in a Container will only have the files relating to that Contract.

Escalate Email


Part of Workflow. Can assign a User to receive Escalation Email reminders if a task is not performed within a set number of days.



Custom data points to track and report from within the system. Can select from seven (7) types, Single-Line, Multi-Line, Drop Down, Multi-Select, Checkbox, Numeric, & Date. Details for each type are on the last page.

Field Category


A classification you can give any of your custom Fields to make sorting them and organizing them from an Admin perspective easier.        NOT used for standard reporting purposes.

Field Group


A collection of Fields, set in the order you want them to appear. Field Groups are usually the main component of a Contract Container, and are assigned to different Contract Types so they appear automatically when a new Container is created.



The security model inside UCM. Each Contract Container must be placed in a Folder when it is created. Users are granted different levels of permissions to the custom folders you create depending on how you wish to control user visibility. NOT to be used for general reporting purposes. Strictly meant to be Security based. Custom fields and other system attributes will handle any reporting that you may have previously used folders for before you purchased UCM.

Global Search


Located in the top right of the system, can use either Contract Name, Contract ID, Summary Data, or Attachment Text to search across all contracts in the system.



The most common display inside UCM. Acts similar to a spreadsheet, with columns, rows, and movable/sortable header, and when you generate a Report, the information in the Grid is what is exported to the spreadsheet file.

Help Widget


Located in the bottom left corner of your screen. Allows you to quickly search through our Knowledgebase or contact UCM Support without having to leave the system.



First tab in the Enterprise Ribbon, and where your users are taken to when they login. Will have Direct Entry, and depending on your system settings, Template and Library icons, an area for any Announcement Text that you want to appear, your favorite Views, and your most recently accessed Containers.



Where all Training and Support Guides, Video, and Articles are stored. The Help Widget can search through the Knowledgebase, but there is also a link directly to the separate site itself located in the Profile/Help section about the Global Search.

Left-Right Screen


A basic “select to display” screen that appears for most of the Grids in the system when adding/removing/rearranging and columns, when using a Multi-Select Field, and other areas where multiple selections and organizing may need to be done.



A place to store Documents such as boilerplate documents, for easy document creation. Does NOT have to be configured for any Library Templates, can simply be a small repository for most commonly used documents. Template Features are available, see Library Templates below.

Library Template


Different from normal Templates, Library Templates can have formatting persist from a Word document. Can also pull data from your Fields into the document itself to quickly help fill out your most commonly used documents. Needs to be a Word file. Not PDF compatible. Requires the AceOffix plug-in.

Milestones (AMR)


Global Notifications that are set up once by an Administrator, to be based off a specific Date Field, and then Milestones are automatically created whenever there is a value placed in the specific Date Field.

Named User


Used to define the difference between a User who is receiving notifications sent specifically to them and a User who receives notifications from being under a Title.



Can be used to leave shot notes in a Container instead of having to upload an entire document, but Notes also will store any note left as a part of Workflow, Collaboration, Activities, etc.



There is no UCM attribute named Notifications. They are handled by Activities, Milestones, Alerts, and Reviews.

Object (UAP)


UCM has the option to have multiple versions of different systems within the same one. This allows two or more different systems to operate independently of each other in their basic set-up, but still communicate with the other when needed. Ex: An Object for Managing Contracts and an Object for Managing all Vendors.

* All Subscriptions come with one (1) object, any additional incur an additional cost.

Object Administration


Accessed only by a Primary Admin. Contains certain global settings for that particular Object.



See Titles

Primary Admin


Each system can multiple Primary Admins. Being a Primary Admin grants you access to the object settings only available in Object Administration.



See Titles



Located in the top right of the screen, above Global Search. Allows your users to set some information about themselves. Has links to the Knowledgebase and Admin Directory.



Continuous notifications that are sent out when a Stage has not been moved after a set number of days. Escalate Emails are sent usually after Reminders have already been sent multiple times.



See Views

Required – Mandatory


Will NOT allow a User to leave the Field blank. Appears in BOLDED Red Text to you Users.

Required – Warning


Will alert your User that the Field is empty, but WILL allow them the ability to acknowledge that it is being left blank, and still save. Appears in Non-Bold Red Text to you Users.

Responsible Party


See Titles



An ad-hoc feature similar to Workflow Approvals. Can only be sent out once and has no Re-occurrence option.



A User who is assigned to review a Contract Container. As opposed to an Approver, who is a part of a previously set-up Workflow, a Reviewer can be added quickly, ad-hoc, to a Container. However, unlike an Approver, once they approve or reject their review, they would have to be manually sent another Review, as opposed to an Approver, who would automatically receive any notification if their assigned Stage was reached again.

Role Models


A way to create a Security Permissions group. Then, when creating a new User, you can simply apply the Role Model, and any changes made to the Role Model in future will get automatically pushed out to all the Users under that Role Model.

Security Permissions


The configuration of Folder Access and System Functions that you grant or deny to a specific User or Role Model.



One of the options in Company Admin. Has less to do with Configuration and more with general settings like Password Length, and Sessions Time-Out parameters.



An individual piece of a Workflow. Each Stage can be custom named, and they all have the optional features of individually assigning Users to be notified/approve, enabling Field Groups to appear in the Summary Data when a Stage is reached, have custom reminder and escalation emails sent out to the Assignee's, and many other options.

Summary Data


All of the data and values that are in your Fields and Field Groups inside of a Contract Container. Able to be searched by using Global Search, and also used a criteria to filter any Views with.



A broader term for UCM as a whole. For most clients, this does not apply, but if you have multiple Objects, know that when talking about the System, that means that those features and settings affect ALL the different Objects inside your System.

System Admin


Any Administrator User Type in your system.

System Attributes


Trackable and reportable Fields that are NOT customizable, and are present in ALL versions of UCM. Ex: Contract Name, Owner, Workflow, StageName, etc.



The different areas of your System or Contract Container. The biggest difference is between the Tabs in the Enterprise Ribbon and in a Contract Container. These sets of Tabs mirror each other almost perfectly, but the Enterprise Ribbon Tabs show you everything on a SYSTEM wide level, and inside a Container, it is only those items that pertain to that contract.



There is no UCM attribute named Task. When we mention “completing a task” in any training or support material, we are talking in general terms. For us, a Task could be anything from manually approving a Workflow Stage to just viewing some data in a Container for a Review.



Creates a basic document with values being filled in on the document alongside fields that are a part of the Container. An HTML editor is used for formatting. Can pull pre-existing information from your Summary Data into the document. Can be a Word Doc or a PDF.



Can refer to anyone of the following: Owner, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Responsible Parties. A Title can be assigned to receive Notifications, Reports, Views, etc. and then each individual Contract Container can have Named Users assigned to those Titles for more flexibility.



Universal Application Platform. See Object



Universal Contract Manager. The system you are using, where all of your Contracts are being held.

UCM Support


Your resource for any assistance that the Knowledgebase cannot solve. You can contact us through the Help Widget, the Knowledgebase itself, or email us at [email protected]

User Types


Administrator, Full-Access, Read-Only, No-Login, and Template-Only. For details on each, see table on last page.



Anyone who is set up by an Administrator and appears in the Manage User’s section of Company Admin. Even when referring to No-Login users types, they are still considered a User of the System.



Our way of filtering down content to create Reports using both System Attributes and custom Fields. Any View can be exported to a spreadsheet for further manipulations. Views are also able to be shared with other Users, and even be set on a specific schedule to have the spreadsheet report emailed to Named Users.



The feature of UCM that helps get your contracts to an active state. Workflows are made up of Stages, that can each have individual settings. Workflows can also be applied to a Contract Type, so the correct Users and departments are always getting notified along the Contracts life-cycle.

Workflow Approvals


Additional accountability in your Workflow that forces any Users who are an Assignee on a Stage to select either Approve or Reject before allowing the Workflow to move forward or back.








Character limit of 80. No line breaks. Can have any type of special characters, and even have hyperlinks to other websites if needed.


No Character Limit. Can have line breaks. Can have any type of special characters, and even have hyperlinks to other websites if needed.

Drop Down  

A drop down menu with your own custom list of values to select from. Can only select one (1) value from a Drop Down. Virtually no limit on the amount of values you can add to be selected from.


A small box, or optionally larger Left-Right Screen, where you can select one (1) OR more of your own custom values. Virtually no limit on the amount of values you can add to be selected from.


A basic checkbox button. We recommend that for any field you may consider using a Checkbox for, that you consider, for reporting purposes, a Checkbox is either Yes or No. If you need to be able to identify if a “no” really means “no”, or if it means “not applicable” we suggest using a Drop Down with the values “YES|NO|N/A”


Able to be calculated with other Numeric and Date fields. To be used when a “true” numeric value will be used to calculate or track/report based on its value. Not for “informational” numbers like phone numbers or ID Codes. They would go in Single Line fields.


A specific date that can be tracked, have notifications set off of, reported, and calculated from. Milestone notifications are based entirely off Date fields.



Complete system access. Security setting DO NOT apply.


Has Read-Write abilities, and access to all features of the system, but can do NO global system configuration. Your most common “power-user” type.


Can see and access the entire system, as well as Create and Edit Views, but cannot edit or create any Contracts.


Allows you to create a Named User for Notification and assigning to Titles, but they cannot access the system at all. Ex: A CFO who needs to know when certain contracts over a particular value are expiring, so they need to be able to have a View scheduled to be sent to them.


Has no visibility to the Contracts already in the system, and cannot even use Direct Entry, but they can use Templates to create a new Contract Container alongside a document. Ex: Using an Intake Request form to kick-off a Contract, but that user would no longer be involved with that Contract at all apart from being the one to submit the request.


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