The Attachments tab at enterprise level will show all the attachments you can view in UCM. Like Contracts, there's an option to create views, reorder your display grid and export out a listing of attachments and metadata. The attachments tab is a little different though!

Attachment Views

Like contract views, Attachment Views are made with a series of criteria to identify select documents out of the whole. Attachment views can only be made with attachment criteria, however (like Document/Attachment Category, type, total etc.)

When shown in the left-hand display, there are no numbers next to the view to let you know how many attachments fit your criteria. (This issue is currently being worked on.)

The Attachments Grid

Like the Enterprise Contracts grid, the Attachments grid will show all attachments and documents across UCM that are visible to you. This grid can be re-arranged and reported on, but it's a little different than the Contracts Grid!

(1) Backup Contract Attachments - If ever you need to download backups of your contract attachments, you can download them container by container here. More details on backing up Attachments can be found HERE.

(2)  Backup Icon - Click this handsome cloud icon to download your attachments after selecting the contracts from the box to the left.

(3) Report icon - download a .CSV file of the grid you're seeing to save locally for reference or further analysis.

(4) Records per page - How many Attachments/rows will be shown per page.

(5) Attachment columns - The Attachments grid can have columns added, removed and re-ordered to show what details are shown.

(6) Group by -  Attachments can be grouped by any of these columns, to easily view contracts of a similar type, status etc. (in the example above, they're grouped by Category!

(7) Page Number - Navigate through pages of the grid with the arrow icons or refresh the entire grid with the refresh icon!

(8) Displaying Records x of y - This is the number of rows/attachments shown in the grid out of the total you can view/access. This number will vary based on your attachment type and the view you're in, if you're looking at a view!