Documents can be added to existing contract containers in many different ways. With a recent enhancement you can use Templates to add Attachments right from the Attachments tab of a Contract Container. This eliminates remembering for users and allows Read Only users to easily edit information in a Contract Container.

  • From the contract you’re adding a document to, go to the attachments tab. As part of a recent enhancement, you should see the template and Library Template icon added above the Attachments grid.

Add Attachments with a Library Template

  • Using the icon on the right in the screenshot above, you can open a menu of your company's Library Templates.

  • From this menu click on the link "Click to fill Fields" on the Library Template you want to use.

  • After clicking this link, you will come to a screen like the one below. Note: The radio button selected is "Add to existing Contract Container".

  • Fill out the mandatory Document Title. Category, State, Description and Document folder are all optional. If this is not the Primary Document, make sure to un-check the box!

  • Scroll down to enter the Contract values. This is where you will enter all information that is going to sync to this container, as configured by your Company Admin. 

  • At the bottom is the 'Enter Fields Into Template & Preview' button, and a button to update the Container and continue in the bottom right corner. When you click 'Enter Fields Into Template & Preview' it will open an OnlyOffice/AceOffix window to show you the document with your fields added in their appropriate locations. 
  • Keep in mind that AceOffix uses the Close & Save in the top left corner of the pop out, whereas OnlyOffice is saved automatically, so just hit the X in the top right to save and exit.