So you want to add new data point(s) to your contracts but you don't know how to do it? Good news, you're in the right place and it's easy!

This is great for when your company starts tracking a new piece of information, or if new information comes to light that you don't have a pre-existing Field for. I'm including a two-step process to 1. Add the Field 2. Add the Field to the Field Group (to keep your Summary Tab organized!) 

Creating a New Field

  1. Go to Company Admin and click Contract Administration. Then start with Contract Fields Administration.
    Click on the Green + to add a New Contract Field.
  2. Give your field a name and select what Type of field it is. A drop-down or multi-select with values? Maybe a multi-line or single-line field for free text? Or maybe a numeric or custom date field that allows for more calculated reports?
  3. Choose the Field Category. This determines where your Field will appear in the picklist when you choose fields in the Views, but this is NOT applying it to Field Group. That is done in the below steps and another area of the system.
  4. Next, select if this Field will be Required and Mandatory, Required with a Warning or Not Required at all. We don't recommend making all your fields Required Mandatory because if a contract is missing that info, or it doesn't pertain to that contract, Users will be forced to put data in to save the contract; even if the data is wrong!

*Not Required
 : This field is still important but a User can create a contract without filling in this field. No message will pop up.

*Required - Warning : This field is important, and a message will pop up if a User left this blank, but they can still save the container without filling it in.

*Required - Mandatory : This Field is absolutely essential! Users can't finish creating a contract until this Field is filled in and saved! 

Leave the box checked to make the field Active. If it's Inactive, users can't add information - since it's a new field that sort of defeats the purpose! Save and repeat for any other Fields you would like to add.

Adding the Field to a Field Group

  1. First, do you have a Field Group you're adding this Field to? If not, you'd better create one!
  2. In Company Admin, click Contract Field Group Administration. Select the Field Group you're adding a Field to.
  3. Below the Field Group Name, Description and Category, is a box to select Fields. Choose your Field from the drop-down and hit Add to Group. 
  4. The Field will be added to the bottom of your Fields List; you can click to drag the Field(s) in any order you'd like. This is the order they will appear on the Summary tab.
  5. Click Save and you're done!