Before doing any mass changes to your system, we suggest doing a full contract back-up!
If you're unsure how to do a full contract backup, click here

Transfer Fields from One Field Group to Another

  • Rename all fields to be transferred with an X in front of their names
  • Create new fields using the proper names (without the X) and add the new fields only to the group(s) you want them in
  • Export fields to be transferred (those with the X in front of their names). Create a Contract View with the criteria below to bring up all contracts with data in that field.
    • XField Name – is null – FALSE  
    • **Include Archived Contracts**
  • Save the export before making changes
  • In the exported spreadsheet, change field name headers to the names of the new fields (example: Change “XEffective Date” to “Effective Date”)
  • Add the field group name to your field headers using the following format:
    • Field Group Name::Field Name (Ex:  “General Data::Effective Date”)

  • Delete any unnecessary columns, leaving only the Contract ID and the fields being updated then save.
  • After closing the spreadsheet, run the file through the bulk loader in Update mode (Check the box for “Update Contracts”)
  • Delete old fields (the ones with X in front of their names)