Included with every subscription to UCM is the ability for you to edit Word documents and Excel sheets from directly within the system using the AceOffix plug-in. Usually, this feature is not enabled unless you requested it during Implementation, but your primary System Administrator can enable it for the entire System at any time. Instructions can be found HERE.
This feature does require an installation of the plug-in. You may need to contact your IT department if you do not have Administrative privileges to your work PC to install software. We also have instructions on how to perform a Mass Silent Install for your whole organization if your IT Department would prefer that. Please Contact [email protected] for any installation questions.
Edit-In Cloud
The Edit-In-Cloud feature of AceOffix is used from within a Contract Container. The fastest way is to click the link on the Summary Tab under the Contract Attributes right next to your Primary Document.
Another option is from the Attachments Tab inside a Container (NOT the Tab in the Enterprise Ribbon) where there will be a direct link next to your Primary Document, but, you also can select a file from the grid below (A) to edit as well (You must select the Current File, and it also must be the most current Version of that document).
All of these options will bring up a pop-up that asks if you want to “Edit this document online?”, and if you select OK (A), you’ll begin Editing, and if you select Cancel (B), you’ll download the document to your local PC (if your User permissions allow).
From there, you’ll have the AceOffix pop-up appear with your document just as it would if you had opened Word. There are three (3) main sections to the AceOffix plug-in:
(A): UCM Document Attributes – Here you can change the Document Category, Document State, and if the Document is still the Primary.
(B): AceOffix Save Options – You have two save options, Save As Current Version & Save As New Version. Save As Current will overwrite your old file and replace it, and Save As New will create a new document with the next version number, keeping your old file in your Container for historical records. You have the option to disable Save As Current so a new version must always be created. Instructions can be found HERE.
(C): Microsoft Word – This is where you’ll spend all your time, and it is an exact mirror of your version of Word that is on your PC. You can use all the functionality that word has, including Redlines and Track Notes. Just remember to use the AceOffix Save Options, and NOT Word’s.
Library Templates
AceOffix is also used with Library Templates, NOT Classic Templates. When you use a Library Template, after you’ve filled in your values, select Preview/Save to bring up your filled in Template Document within AceOffix.
If your Template has the ability to be Edited, you will be able to use the Word functionality to make some changes, but usually you’ll just make sure that your document looks good and then Save and Close.
Then, select the Continue Icon and proceed to your Container with your Library Template Document already in the Attachments tab.