Document States Administration is the area where you define what possible States a document might be within your system. Let's say you have a contract container for a Service Agreement. You might have a master agreement that's signed and executed, another agreement that is still a draft and maybe another document that's in redlines.
Document State is how you would determine what Attachments are in what state.
Like Document Categories, you can sort by Document State or group by this criteria on the grid.
Document States Administration is the area where you define what possible States a document might be within your system. Let's say you have a contract container for a Service Agreement. You might have a master agreement that's signed and executed, another agreement that is still a draft and maybe another document that's in redlines.
Document State is how you would determine what attachments are in what state whenever you add a document to your contract.
What can you do with a Document State besides classify what state a document is in?
- On the contracts grid you can sort and group by document state.
- You can use Document State to create attachment views, so you can see all documents in a particular state. This report can be exported into Excel for further analysis.
To add Document States to UCM, an admin only has to access Document State Administration, under Contract Administration.