Sub-Tables | Admin Set-Up
Modified on: Wed, May 12, 2021 at 9:24 AM
Creating the Table:
- Navigate to Company Admin --> Contract Administration
- Select Contract Table Configuration which is towards the top
- Within Table Administration, select the green “+ New Table” from the top right corner
- Give your Table a Name (1)
- This is the name that will appear on the Tables Tab on the Contract Summary page
- Optionally, give your Table a Description (2)
- This will ONLY display in the Table Admin section, not in the Table or Contract itself
- Select if you want your Table to be Active (3)
- Save (4)

- The page will look similar to the previous, but there is now the Add Field button

Adding Fields to the Table:
- Select the Add Field button
- Give your new Field a Name (A)
- Select the Field Type (B)
- Select if it is a Required Attribute (C)
- Select if the Field is Active (D)
- Save (E)

- Once you Save, your new Field will be added to your Table like this:

- Re-Arrange Fields in Table (A)
- Field Name (Edit Field) (B)
- Field Type (C)
- Delete Field (D)
- Add more Fields (E)
- Continue to create Fields until all have been added to the table
- Once all Fields have been created, Save your new table (F)
Adding the Table to a Contract:
- From the Contract Container’s Summary Tab, select the green “+” next to Contract Data (A)
- Using the menu that pops up, select your Table from the drop-down menu (B)
- Select Add (C)

- The new Table will appear as a tab next to Contract Data (1)
- From within the new Table Tab, select Add (2)
- Fill in the fields with the correct information (Just like entering Data in traditional Fields)
- Save the data to your Table (3)

- Your Data now appears in the Table, and it is able to be moved, edited, and arranged just like the other Grids within UCM
- You can also Report off the Table Data to a CSV Excel file
- To Add another set of data, simply select the Add button and fill out your Fields again

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