In addition to Milestones, Activities, and building forecast reports with Views, you have the ability to track a specific date field globally across all of your Contract Containers to act as a countdown timer. It will appear directly under the name of your Contract Container in red text. This feature is available for any Administrator to enable in their system, and will display for all users.
Before we see where to enable this feature, lets take a quick look at what it will look like inside of a Container.
- Once you enable the Countdown feature, ALL of your Contract Containers that have that field in its summary data will have a red text countdown timer under the Container Name (A).
- There are four different pieces of information located in the Countdown.
- (1) – How many Days remain
- (2) – The specific Date Field that is being tracked
- (3) – The exact Date in the Summary Field
- (4) – Once the specific Date has been reached, Until switches to After, and begins counting up.
Enabling Countdown
In order to enable the Countdown, you MUST be an Admin, and have access to the Object Administration section of Company Administration. If you begin this process and come to a step that you do not have the permissions to complete, reach out first to your System Administrator, and if you are the System Administrator, please contact UCM support immediately so we can verify you have all of the correct permissions enabled.
- Go to Company Admin in the Enterprise Ribbon
- Head to the last option, Object Administration (A)
- From there, select Object Setup/Maintenance (B)
- Next, you must select the specific Object (C)you are enabling the Countdown on.
- Many users will only see “Contract Management System” in this grid, but if you have multiple Objects in your version of UCM, you will need to complete the follow steps for each Object you want the Countdown enabled for.
- Once inside the Object Maintenance page, scroll down towards the bottom and you will see a checkbox field named Enable Date Field Countdown (D).
- After you’ve checked the box to enable, a second field will appear below, Date Field to Use (E)
- From this dropdown, select any SINGLE Date Field (F)in your object to have count down from.
- Currently, you can only have one field being tracked across the entire object. If you have Multiple Objects, you CAN track different fields in the individual Objects.
- Once you Date Field is set, select Update Object below, and you’ll receive a green Confirmation Banner at the top of the page.
- To see the effect in place, we recommend you Logout of the system and Clear your Cache (?).
- When you log back in and go to a Container, your Countdown will now be right below your Container name.
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