Now that you can copy Grid Layouts to other Users, here are a few of our suggestions for how to best lay out your grids. To hear more about Grid Layouts, check out First Friday Episode 11 HERE.
Every organization is going to be different, and the idea here is that you'll want to get the information that is most important to you to be easily visible. A basic setup would include columns like Owner, Contract Type, Workflow and Stage, Start and Expiration Date, and then you could even include a link to the Primary Document.
The three sections highlighted to the left of our grid are the important "functional" pieces to our Attachment grid that we feel everyone should have easily accessible. Delete and Edit are both defaults that will appear for everyone who has the User Permissions to do so (A). Clone is a feature that can be easily missed, and it will allow you to make a copy of your attachment and all it's UCM settings to further edit while preserving the original (B). eSign and eSign Status are optional, as not everyone has an eSignature connector with UCM, but if you do, you'll need both of these to be front and center in your Attachment grid (C). After those items, our suggestion is similar to your Contracts grid, in that you should keep the most important details of your attachments clearly visible, like Category, State, Type, and Version Number.
If you have Collaboration enabled in your system, you'll want to have Collaboration Title and Attachment (A) out on your Notes grid. Since Notes are usually not able to be edited either, having Created By and Created On are what you'll want to display to know who it was who said what is in the Note.
Related Contracts
Much like Contracts, this grid layout will be determined based off the information you need to know. Unlike most of the other Grids inside a Contract Container however, the Related Contracts grid can have all your custom fields as columns. This means you can create full View reports about a parent contracts related contracts, right from the parents Container (A).
For both Milestones and Activities (below), we suggest making your grids read easily from left to right:
- What the current Statuses is of the Milestone (more information HERE on Statuses)
- You can see What (Milestone Name) the Milestone is for
- Who (Responsible Person) the notification is going to
- When (Milestone Date) the Milestone needs to be completed by
- How many days Initial Notce they'll receive
- When (Notify Person On Date) they'll receive their Initial notification
- How often a Reminder (Repeat Notitifcation) will be sent
- When the next Notifcation is scheduled to be sent based on the Reminder
- The Description of the Milestone
- The Complete & Snooze checkboxes on the far left is able to be clicked to mark a Milestone as completed or snoozed (A).
Additnionally, depending on some of the optional features that may be enabled for your Milestones, you may also want to include the:
- Final Notificiation - An "extra" reminder outside the normal reminders that give final warning to complete
- Times Snoozed - A total counter of Snoozes. Useful if you have active Users who manually snooze their Reminders
- Escalation Notificiation & Notify on Escalate - When and who gets an escelation email reminder
- Configured FIelds - See which, if any, Field Information from the Contract itself will be included on the notificiation
Similar to Milestones above, we suggest having the Activities Grid read left to right, but we'll add in Description (A) to this grid since Activities are set up per contract and the descriptions can be more specific than Milestone descriptions. If your Activities are Recurring (B) the clock icon in this column will switch from Green to Red if the Activity is overdue.
Admin Specific Grids
Admin Grids, meaning the grids that are located under the Company Admin tab, are NOT able to be copied to other Admins. However, we do still have some suggestions for how your Grids should be arranged for your Manage Users and Workflow.
Manage Users
You'll of course want items such as First/Last Name or Username, as well as User Type and Last Login to be easily visible. From there though, what you have displayed will be determined by how many users you have, and if you are using Role Models or the Department/Division label. What you will want to make sure is easily visible no matter what are your Active, Force Confirm, and Confirmation Status (A) as well as Send Password Reset (Blue Guy) and Administer UAP (B). These two icons will be needed if your Users ever get locked out, or if another Administrator cannot access the Contract Administration area of Company Admin.
There aren't a lot of Columns to configure for your Workflow Grid, but there are some time-saving shortcut and interactive icons that every Admin should have in their Grid. The columns of Stage Configuration, Copy, and Notes (A), all act as shortcut links. Stage Config and Notes will take you directly to that configuration screen for the specific Workflow. Copy will duplicate the entire Workflow, Stage Configuration and Assignee's included, so you can quickly make a new workflow that is similar to another without having to do all the set up. Assignee Locked and Assignee Only (B) are interactive checkboxes that make it so you can enable either of those settings without having to open up the whole Workflow.