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This month's First Friday Webinar covered the new Automatic Milestone Rule (AMR) configuration options, and how new features an options will give you and your Users more control over how and when you are notified.

New Automatic Milestone Rules (AMR's)

  • Allows for you to set an Initial, Reminder, & Final Notice
    • Those options give you the ability to potentially have more than five reminders, which was the limit of classic Milestones
  • There will now be a true Snooze option, which will make working with Milestones much easier for your Users
    • Snoozing also puts more power in your End Users hands, while still giving you the peace of mind your Admin rules will be followed. 
    • This is done by allowing your Users to Snooze the Milestone sent to them by the system for any future date prior to the next System Configured Reminder.
      • Ex: A Milestone sent out 90 days in advance, with a 30 day Reminder period, would allow your User to Snooze that Milestone and have a custom reminder sent to them for any date range between day 89, and day 61. On Day 60, 30 days after the Initial 90 day notice, the System Reminder will be sent unless the User completes the Milestone prior to that date. 
      • A User will NEVER be able to snooze past a System Reminder, Final Notice, or Milestone Date.