Workflow Assignee Grid Headers & Reporting
We have added the ability to the Contract View area to now include Current Stage Assignees as both View Criteria, as well as Grid Headers for your Views.
If you include Current Stage Assignees in your Grid Headers, then you will be able to see all the Users and Roles that are assigned to the Stage the Contract is currently in (A). Stages with multiple Users will be separated by a pipe character " | ", and if you see a blank column, that means there are no Assignees for that particular Stage.
In addition to the Current Stage Assignees column, we have also upgraded the Workflow & Stage Name columns to now be clickable links that bring up a full preview of the entire Workflow (B). We hope this helps you when running Workflow specific reports to not only see where the Contract is currently, but also where the Contract will be heading next.
The Current Stage Assignees can also be used as a Criteria Filter when setting up your Views. It can be used simply as a standalone Criteria to find all Contracts that a User is currently assigned to (C), but it can also be combined with other criteria for a more focused Workflow Report.
If you wanted to find all Contracts where a User is the Assignee, but only if it's been in that Stage for a certain amount of days, you can use the DaysInCurrStage criteria to further filter your results (D). Or, if you only wanted to see those where a Users is assigned to a specific Stage, you can use the Stage Name criteria to specify the specific Stage you want in your results (E).
NOTE: If you are running a Current Stage Assignees View that uses any of the Responsible Parties (Owner, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) as the Criteria, it is a best practice to also include those Roles in your View Grid Headers to see the actual User who is receiving the notifications and reminders.
Remove Reviewers Feature
We have also added in the option to UCM to remove the Reviews feature from your system. This can be toggled from Company Admin --> Object Administration --> Object Setup/Maintenance (1). From there, at the bottom of the page, you can deselect the Enable Review Users option (2).
If you are unsure of what Reviewers are, they were an early feature of the system that allowed you to add additional Users to a Contract, who would then receive an email notification letting them know they need to come in and review the Contract. The downside is that you cannot give any instructions or directions through Reviews, and since it's initial release, many Workflow and Collaboration features have taken it's place in daily system use.
Many companies do not currently use Reviews, but even when not in use, there is an area where they appear in every Contract Container, as well as the Notification Center, that occasionally raises questions about it's use. If you have never used Reviews and want to avoid potential questions from end-users, we recommend you disable Reviews.
If you are a system that does use Reviewers, simply leave this option alone and your processes can continue as normal.
If you were a system that had used Reviewers in the past, either fully or even just as a test, there is a chance you have some outstanding Reviews. When you go to disable the Reviews from Object Administration, you will receive pop-ups with some information about your outstanding Reviews (3).
On this pop-up, you'll be told how many outstanding Reviews you currently have, including how many Contracts they are for. If you know these Reviews are either outdated or just leftover from testing, you can click OK to simply complete all the Reviews and send NO Notifications out. If however, you wanted to see exactly which Contracts and who is Assigned for these Reviews, you can follow the instructions to go to Company Admin --> Security and History Reports --> Outstanding Reviewers (4) to generate a report with all the information you'll need.
Once you click OK from the first pop-up, you'll get one last pop-up letting you know the completion of the Reviews is irreversible. This message does not mean that you cannot re-enable Reviews in the future if you choose to.
Once you have disabled Reviews and acknowledged all the pop-ups, you can click the Update Object (5) icon to apply the changes. You, and any currently logged in Users, will need to log-out and then back in again to see the changes applied.