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In this month's First Friday Webinar we are continuing our system training series with Workflow Configuration, System Usage, & Reporting.

Upcoming Enhancements (Releasing mid-July)

  • TERM “Critical Date” Field for Reporting
    • Does not impact the Terms Box in a Container, only for Contract Reporting
    • Will allow for easier reporting on upcoming End, Review, Renewal, & Notify By Dates using only one Criteria
      • All individual Term Dates and Criteria still available to report on
    • Will use the same logic as the LogicBased Milestone Rules
    • Name subject to change prior to release

Workflow - Configuration

  • Workflows are made up of Stages in a specific order, with configurable options to allow for skipping Stages when needed
  • Each Stage of a Workflow can have Assignees applied to receive immediate notifications, as well as optional periodic reminders, when a Contract is in that Stage
  • Each Stage can also be set to require Approvals before moving along in the Workflow
  • Workflows are assigned by Default based on the Contract Type of the Container, but using an optional User Permission of Workflow Override, you can switch to additional Workflows aside from the default when needed

Workflow - Notifications

  • Notifications are sent to assigned Users immediately upon the Stage being entered into
    • Reminders can be configured for any amount of days after the initial is sent, and they will continue to send on that pattern until the Stage is updated
    • Additional Escalation Users can be assigned as well, with the ability to set a period of time prior to this User being notified, and only notifying them once if desired
  • Notification Emails will contain Contract & System Specific details by default, but you can configure an Instructions Message per Stage, as well as include any Fields from the specific Container itself on the email

Workflow - Updating Stages

  • Inside a Container, a Stage can be moved forward either by interacting with the Dropdown and selecting the next applicable Stage, or more commonly, applying the Approval Condition to a Stage and interacting with the Approval Scorecard
    • When using Approval Stages, the Contract will automatically move to the next Stage once the Approval conditions have been met
    • If the next Stage or set of Stages after an Approval are Skippable, a pop-up window will appear giving the User the option to decide which Stage to move to next, up to the next non-Skippable Stage

Workflow - Updating Assignees

  • Assignees for a Stage can be updated per Container when a Contract needs additional or different Users than your Standard Admin configured Assignees
    • This can be performed by an Admin at any time, but only by End-Users if the “Assignees Locked” option is left disabled
  • When an Assignee is updated, the header above the Grid of Assignees will update from Admin Setup to Local Setup

Workflow - Updating Entire Workflows

  • Using Workflow Override, you can not only skip past Stages in a Workflow that are usually non-skippable, but you can also change out the entire Workflow to another
    • Workflow Override is a permission that only Administrators will have by default, but can be given to any Users of the system if needed
  • Through the Modify Action when Running a Report, you can also mass update multiple Contracts to a different Workflow and/or Stage
    • Note: If you are looking to update multiple Contracts all to the same Stage, but they are in different Workflows, you will either need to mass update them based on the Workflow, or be okay with updating the Workflow itself to be the same for all

Workflow - Reporting

  • You can run Views on Contracts Currently in a Stage, using the Days in Current Stage as a way to only get those that have been in a Stage for too long
  • You can also run Views to see all Contracts currently with a Specific User or Role
  • There are some Historical Views you can run as well, but they are all based on the Total Number of Days a Contract was in a Stage, not Date Specific
  • From inside a Container though, you can get a complete Workflow History by clicking the Clock Icon next to the Current Workflow Stage

Workflow - Best Practices

  • Creating specific Workflows for your most common procedures, even if some don’t get assigned as Defaults to a Type, is suggested, as it allows for ease of using Workflow Override during the Workflow when a non-standard situation arises
  • Workflows can be Copied in the Administration Set-Up, including all your Assignee and Stage Settings
    • This is most useful for when you have a “long” workflow that has many Stages that are not always needed
    • You can create the longest version of that Workflow, then simply copy it and remove the optional Stages to create multiple Versions with only the needed Stages
  • Adding specific Fields and/or Questions that will help you quickly review any information that will help you determine if a Workflow needs to be updated
  • Archiving, while not a Stage specifically, is directly linked to Workflow, and done through the Dropdown
    • Allow to Archive needs to be enabled for the specific Stage
    • You can Mass Archive by uploading a list of Contract ID’s in Company Admin