Milestone Issue Fixes

The below issues have all been addressed for Milestones, both AMR's and Manual Milestones:

  • The Cancellation Date in the Terms Box will now properly prevent the Renewal Date from updating, thereby creating new Milestones and sending Reminders on already Cancelled/Expired/Archived Contracts
  • The AMR Final Notice email was occasionally still sending reminders after the Final Notice, which has now been updated to properly stop, and sending no notifications after the Final, as expected
  • Fixed an issue when many User were selected on a Manual Milestone as Notify Others, which would prevent the emails from sending out

Document Sets Update Correctly

With the released fix, when you either edit a Document Set from the Admin Configuration area, or through updating the Contract Type in a Container, any changes to the currently applied Document Set will correctly update and not cause any visual or upload errors.

Notes Tab with Additional Access 

Fixed an issue where Users who had access to a Container ONLY through Additional Access were unable to see the Notes under the Notes Tab of a Container, but could still see them on the Enterprise Reporting Tab.

Contract Entry with a Calculated Field

Fixed an issue where Fields that were either Calculated, or part of a Calculation, would prevent Users from moving past the Data Entry page on Contract Creation unless ALL Fields related to the Calculation were in the Field Groups.