Though most of a Workflow is configured from Company Admin, there are some options that you have while in a Contract Container. In this article, we'll take a look at what these options can do with zero restrictions. You also have the ability to lock down your Workflows so only Admins can adjust if needed though. You can find more information on Workflow Security HERE.

Container Overview

Below is a list of all the Workflow options available inside a Contract Container. Underneath the overview are detailed breakdowns of each option.


(A) Current Stage & Stage Selection - Will display the current stage, and allow you to see your full Workflow in sequence from the dropdown. If the current Stage is not an Approval stage, then you can also use this dropdown to select the next Stage of the Workflow. Remember, unless a Stage has been configured to be skippable, the Workflow must be completed in sequential order.

(B) Workflow Log - Here you can see a full Workflow specific History. Using the Detailed report (selected from the dropdown above the grid) you can see each time the Workflow moved to a different Stage, including who and when the move occurred. Using the Summarized report, you can get a quick snapshot of the total number of days the Contract spent in each Stage, and how many times it was in a specific Stage.

(C) Workflow Override- Allows you to completely change out the Workflow for another one entirely, or override Approvals/Non-skippable Stages by keeping the same Workflow and just changing the initial Stage. This option is one that can ONLY be used if a Use has been given permission, including Administrators. This icon will appear for all, and hovering over it will tell you the name of the current Workflow, however it is only usable if the arrows are red and blue. 

(D) Manage Assignee's - Will allow you to see a condensed tabled version of your Workflow and all the current assignee's to the Stages. If you do NOT have Assignee's Locked enabled on your Workflow, then Users can use this area to assign and/or re-assign Users to a Stage.

(E) Approver Scorecard - If the current Stage is an Approval Stage, then all current Assignee's and Admins will see this icon, which brings up the Approver Scorecard.

(F) Archive Agreement - If the current Stage has the Stage Can Initiate Archive option configured (option set from a Stage level, NOT Workflow) then at the very bottom of the Workflow dropdown, will be an option to Archive Agreement. For more information about Archiving, click HERE.

Workflow Log

Reading the Workflow log should be easy enough, but we want to highlight the difference between the Detailed and the Summarized report.


In the Detailed report (A), you can see that this Contract went from Legal Review back to Departmental Review, and back to Legal again. This report will let you see all the changes that took place in the Workflow, including the date range the Contract spent in that Stage, and the User who changed it.


In the Summarized report (B), you instead only see one line for each Stage that the Contract went through, however you can still see exactly how many times the Contract was in the Stage. You'll also be able to see the total number of days a Contract spent in a Stage instead of just the time it spent there during the single occurrence.

Workflow Override

Workflow Override will allow a User to do one of two things, either change out the default Workflow entirely or stay in the same Workflow and change the Stage without worrying about Approvals, Skippable Stages, or any other Workflow restrictions. This is a User Permission that is not a default for any User, Admins included. For more information about how to enable this feature for your Users, click HERE.

After you select Workflow Override (A), two drop down menus will appear under the Workflow section. Here, you can completely swap out the Workflow to another (B), and you can see a preview of the Workflow by clicking the link to the right (D). After you've selected your new Workflow, or maybe you kept it in the same one, you can use the second dropdown (C) to select the Stage the Workflow will be in after you Apply. 

Email notifications are instantly sent out to any Assignee's once the new Workflow and/or Stage has been applied.

Manage Assignee's

Every User will be able to check this pop-out to see who is assigned to which Stages, but only if the Workflow has been left unlocked will a User, other than an Admin, be allowed to change the Assignee's.


You'll be able to quickly tell if a Workflow's Assignee's have been edited at all by looking at the header above the table. If it says Admin Setup (A) then it is following what was configured by your admins. If it says Local Setup (B), then someone made changes. In our example, the Local Setup replaced the Tertiary User with Grace & Haley for the Legal Review Stage. You can see who and when those changes where made by going to the History tab in the Container and filtering by Workflow actions. 


If you are allowed to make changes to the Assignee's, you can do so by first selecting the Stage you want to adjust (1), selecting your new Users (2) (you do NOT need to deselect the Current Assignee's), and then Saving (3). The changes will be visible in the table to the right, and the header above will switch to Local Setup. If you need to adjust multiple Stages, just repeat the steps above.

Note: If you use the Manage Assignee's option from inside a Contract to update the Assignee's on a Stage the Contract is currently in, NO new notifications will be sent out. You will need to either message that User directly, or move the Contract back a Stage, and then into the original Stage again. If you use the latter option, be aware that any Users assigned to the previous Stage will receive an Initial Assignee Email. For more information on the notifications your Users may receive about Workflow, click HERE.

Approval Scorecard

This icon will only appear if the current Stage is an Approval Stage AND you are a User assigned to the Stage or an Admin.


Clicking the icon will bring up the Approver Scorecard where you can see all the Assignee's and their current selection in the Approval process (A). If you are an Approver, and still need to make your selection, you can do so from the buttons below (B). Required with every Approval is a note (C). The note can be as brief or detailed as you need it to be, and it will be stored under the Notes tab of the Container.

Once all Assignee's have Approved, or if at any point one of the Assignee's rejects, everyone Assigned to that Stage will receive an Approval Summary email. For more information on the notifications your Users may receive about Workflow, click HERE.